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People often ask if it's safe to drink the water in Puerto Vallarta. The water in Vista del Sol -- and in the local restaurants -- is purified and tested, so you shouldn't have any issues.  That said, may people simply prefer to drink bottled water and Casa McMullen does have a 3 gallon jug available in the unit.  (Cost is $30 pesos to refill if the water runs out.)  There are also plenty of places to purchase bottled water throughout Puerto Vallarta.

Should you have any health issues during your stay, we strongly recommend contacting Pamela Thompson immediately.  Her company, HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, provides free referrals to highly qualified English speaking physicians.  Pamela can be reached by email at, or on her local cell number, 322 107 7007.  (Note: When dialing this number from a US phone number, you must include the country code 52 prior to dialing.)

Whenever traveling, it is a good idea to be prepared for unlikely health emergencies. Pamela suggests traveling with the following information in a safe place (and giving a copy in a sealed envelop to a fellow traveler, especially if you are single):

  • List of medications 
  • Blood type
  • Allergies (medicines, foods)
  • Medical information if you have a serious medical issue, including name(s) of your physician(s)
  • Emergency contact in your home country (preferably a blood relative) -- include name, relationship, phone number, address and email address
  • Copy of your insurance information (Pamela recommends purchasing travel insurance, since US insurance -- including Medicare -- is not typically accepted outside the US)

You should also make sure that at least one person back in the States has information about your whereabouts, specifically where you are staying (Vista del Sol, Unit 609) and the phone number for the building (from the U.S.: 52-322-223-0155).